For more than 49 years,
we have helped Asian-American families.
For more than 49 years,
we have helped Asian-American families.
메릴랜드 대 워싱턴 대도시권에서 아시아 이민자 공동체 내에서 심각한 갈등을 목격한 아시아계 여성들이 1974년에 가족 상담 센터를 설립하였다. 이 공동체는 언어와 문화적으로 고립되어 있었으며, 저소득층이었고, 교육 수준이 낮았으며, 종종 정서적으로 격렬한 상태에 있었다. FCCGW는 이미 성인들에 대한 정신 건강 상담을 제공하고 있었던 1986년에 501(c)3으로 설립되었다.
메릴랜드 대 워싱턴 대도시권에서 아시아 이민자 공동체 내에서 심각한 갈등을 목격한 아시아계 여성들이 1974년에 가족 상담 센터를 설립하였다. 이 공동체는 언어와 문화적으로 고립되어 있었으며, 저소득층이었고, 교육 수준이 낮았으며, 종종 정서적으로 격렬한 상태에 있었다. FCCGW는 이미 성인들에 대한 정신 건강 상담을 제공하고 있었던 1986년에 501(c)3으로 설립되었다.
메릴랜드 대 워싱턴 대도시권에서 아시아 이민자 공동체 내에서 심각한 갈등을 목격한 아시아계 여성들이 1974년에 가족 상담 센터를 설립하였다. 이 공동체는 언어와 문화적으로 고립되어 있었으며, 저소득층이었고, 교육 수준이 낮았으며, 종종 정서적으로 격렬한 상태에 있었다. FCCGW는 이미 성인들에 대한 정신 건강 상담을 제공하고 있었던 1986년에 501(c)3으로 설립되었다.
About Us
About Us

We strive to do
3 things

We strive to do
3 things
Amplify the family's sense of belonging by helping it form connections to the surrounding community.
Amplify the family's sense of belonging by helping it form connections to the surrounding community.
Seek to be aware of the family's specific wants and needs.
Seek to be aware of the family's specific wants and needs.
Care for the family by providing resources tailored to that understanding of each family.

Faced with the new challenges
of immigrant families...
Faced with the new challenges
of immigrant families...
Over the years, FCCGW services to Asian immigrants and first-generation Americans have grown in response to their needs and now include mental health care and counseling; couples counseling; seminars on a variety of mental health topics (e.g., self-esteem, suicide prevention, stress, depression, anxiety, and accessing available services); and a youth mentoring and tutoring program with wrap-around mental health assessment services and a strong youth leadership component.
Over the years, FCCGW services to Asian immigrants and first-generation Americans have grown in response to their needs and now include mental health care and counseling; couples counseling; seminars on a variety of mental health topics (e.g., self-esteem, suicide prevention, stress, depression, anxiety, and accessing available services); and a youth mentoring and tutoring program with wrap-around mental health assessment services and a strong youth leadership component.

All services are provided by professionals who share the same language and culture as those served, critical to the development of trust that is so necessary for successful mental health care and treatment.
All services are provided by professionals who share the same language and culture as those served, critical to the development of trust that is so necessary for successful mental health care and treatment.
Professional counselors
are here to help
Professional counselors
are here to help

FCCGW is closely aligned and networked within the Asian-American community in the greater DC area, and networks with a variety of organizations including businesses, other healthcare providers, government agencies, and social service organizations.
A significant partnership exists with Fairfax County (we have been funded for our programs for the last six years) and the Fairfax and other County Public Schools. All of these relationships ensure that our services exist and are designed in response to the needs within the community.
They also allow us to reach into various ethnic immigrant groups and work towards education and stigma eradication so that those in need will understand the resources available to them and seek help when needed.
FCCGW is closely aligned and networked within the Asian-American community in the greater DC area, and networks with a variety of organizations including businesses, other healthcare providers, government agencies, and social service organizations.
A significant partnership exists with Fairfax County (we have been funded for our programs for the last six years) and the Fairfax and other County Public Schools. All of these relationships ensure that our services exist and are designed in response to the needs within the community.
They also allow us to reach into various ethnic immigrant groups and work towards education and stigma eradication so that those in need will understand the resources available to them and seek help when needed.
A Significant Partnership
within the community
A Significant Partnership
within the community